Recommendation on source for quail eggs?


Mar 4, 2025
I'm in NW PA. Close to OH, close to NY.
Like the title says... any sources nearby? I stopped at the local co-op hoping to find a note on the bulletin board and when I mentioned to a couple guys what I was looking for I got looks as if I was talking about inventing a free fuel source. "What do you do with quail? Can you eat them?"

I tried a couple big name online sources and one doesn't return emails and the other said early summer. And then there was the problem they only use USPS. It's not like they are shipping live birds. Just eggs. :confused:

Not that I'm ready for eggs now, but probably in a few weeks give or take.

Has anyone bought off Ebay or Amazon? Last resort, but maybe there's someone from here selling through those sites. Or a trusted seller someone has used.

Any help or leads would be appreciated.
Myshire, by far had the best
Fertility and Quaility (lol) bird for the coin...
Zack has got that "Midas Touch"...
Every egg he touches it turns to gold...

(Otter is the next choice for me in terms of size and health...

411 Quail.png
Myshire is the one that won't have any til early summer according to their site and Jenna. Unless I want white.

Thieving Otter has jumbo browns and let me put them in my cart!
I'll contact them and ask how things are looking for a couple weeks down the road. And if I can get them to use FedEx or someone other than USPS if that is who they use.
I'm on day 5 of hatching 20 assorted jumbos from Thieving Otter Farm. FedEx is a good idea, USPS was a little late on my package.

Now they are 6-8 weeks out.
And they too will only use USPS. Myshire mentioned you can only ship live birds using USPS, but geez. These are eggs. I don't see what the problem would be.

I did find a source on Ebay... and he does have Jumbo browns and is a bit south of me. Typically mail that travels up to PA is a couple days quicker than if I order something west of me. No idea why.

The source on Ebay also advertises you can pick up, so I'm hoping that lends some credibility to him and means he runs a clean farm.

The caveat? Minimum order is 55. My incubator holds 45. And even that is more quail than I want. But of course the hatch rate and survival rate can't be predicted, so that complicates things.

I'll weed out the smaller eggs and maybe go for 40. Since my hutch is a double stacker I'll have room. I'll just have to set up another brooder I'm guessing. At least after a week. IF, the majority hatch. But who can say?

I'm going to pick up some wood tomorrow and get started on the coop/pen/hutch... what ever they are called for quail. I may just place an order for quail this week. Since it would be about six weeks out before I'd be ready to move them outside.
Yeah, it's too bad they aren't more year round stocked.
It seems odd they would have white quail eggs but not brown. I can't imagine color has anything to do with willingness for quail to lay eggs and breed... regardless of their location, but I know nothing.

Plus their location would add at least a day, maybe two, to me trying to intercept them at my PO.
I like Myshire too. The reason the jumbo browns are more popular that the whites is that they are feather sexable. You have a pretty good idea of how many males and how many females you have by three weeks and you can start separating the boys out early.

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