Red lump on chick's neck! Please help!


Mar 19, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
A few days ago, I noticed something, my chixk was losing some neck feathers.
I managed to get a better look yesterday... It's not pink, actually a blochy dark red colour... The skin around it looks dry. Its not very big though... Any ideas on what it is? Will it hurt her? I need to know If i have to take her to the vet. She is my (favourite) baby chick and we are so connected- I am urgent to help her!
it is hard to get a clear pic
Please help! She is losing more feathers around it... The skin around it is pink instead of a silkie black skin!!! I think I'll take her to the vet! I need opinions!!!!
is it in with other chicks? seems that other chicks are most likely pecking at it. Hopefully someone with more experience will answer on what to do.
I think its cannibalism. Who much space for how many babies? If she is loosing feathers, its likely other chicks are pecking her.
Can you cover the area with "Pick-No-More" or "BlueKote"? Pick-No-More tastes bad, and will keep other chicks from pecking it. BlueKote is an antibacterial, and will turn the area purple, to hide any blood which chickens will want to peck at.

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