Red Mites


In the Brooder
Jun 25, 2024
I found Red mites inside the coop on the 17th May. I did the usual mad clearing, cleaning and spraying everything I could. I finally got it under control with Exzolt which worked perfectly! They are no longer in the coop or the hens. They were still on the framing of the run but I sprayed it down every day and thankfully still not going into the coop itself. But today I noticed they were on the plastic storage container outside the run where I store their food/bedding etc.. I'm at a complete loss as to where they are coming from or how I can control it. I am in the process of building a new coop so all of the current wood/framing will be taking away and burned. Is it likely its because it's under a tree and lots of wee birds about going into their food?


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Are you certain that they are poultry and not red garden mites? Red poultry mites generally hide in the cracks and crevices and only come out at night to feed.
Are you certain that they are poultry and not red garden mites? Red poultry mites generally hide in the cracks and crevices and only come out at night to feed.
Yea unfortunately definitely red poultry mites. They are dark coloured as they aren't feeding off the hens. There is a lot of garden birds flying in to take the chicken food and more than likely in the tree above the containers

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