Red Roof Hens Chicken Coop is almost Complete

Mine husband and I have been together for 13 years today started dating when I was in high school only 17 years old. And want better way to spend the day then get some work done on the coop he is coming home early for work. He went and got some red tin for the roof will one side the other is going to me some used tin for now. RED tin cost alot. lol I will post pic later as we work can not want to get done.
will It rain the last time we tried to work. But got some work done today. Hope to get a lot done since it was a three day weekend. Here are some more pics. Hope to get tin on tomorrow just laid up there for pic today



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love your coop!!! I only wish my coops were that big... my whole house is probably smaller than your chicken coop. So FUN!

I would like to see how you're going to connect the tin on the crest of the roof. I'm contemplating a tin roof but don't know much about my building materials... a pix would be awesome!!!
Neat. A bit "traditional" in appearance which means you are being original! No, please don't think about what I just said!

this is what I was think for the pen. Well I know my paint skills are very bad but anyway. R is for the roost poles and NB is the nest boxes three. They will have a door that open for the walkway. The upside down triangle is the door. Then the short oval thing with black hole is the feeder. It will be made out of PVC pipe will be able to fill it for the walkway. The long oval thing is the water it will be on the inside of the coop long PVC pipe with water nibbles on it. Two for each pen. The nibbles will be right under the nest boxes. What do you guys and girls think.
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The weekend is over but the roof is up. I am so pleased with the way it is looking. Next comes put the railroad ties all the way around the outside so nothing can dig in.




last pic were taking at the end of the day
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