Relationship Between Hen and Grown Chicks: Will She Be Nicer?


11 Years
Jun 30, 2013
I have a broody Brahma hen. I have her hatching some Salmon faverolles eggs (I know this breed is prone to bullying). I was wondering if anyone has noticed after a hen raises chicks, if she is kinder to those chicks as adults and less likely to bully them?
I have a broody Brahma hen. I have her hatching some Salmon faverolles eggs (I know this breed is prone to bullying). I was wondering if anyone has noticed after a hen raises chicks, if she is kinder to those chicks as adults and less likely to bully them?
I dont think that brahma hens and roos are that aggressive.
I think that faverolles can easily be mixed with brahmas, silkies, and easygoing breeds, but I would not keep them with english gamefowl or rhode island reds.

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