Relocated adult peafowl in 10X10 aviary


Jun 4, 2024
Hello! I’m looking for some guidance on releasing relocated adult peafowl. I’ve recently adopted 3 peafowl, 2 peahens ~3 years old and 1 peacock 2 years old, all raised at the same location, and raised as free ranged birds. One of the hens was brought to the property alone, I released her immediately and she ventured out for days. Luckily I was able to capture her about 1.5 weeks after she left the property. The day before I captured her I brought the two others home and put them in a 10X10 ft2 dog kennel with perches, “a small aviary”. Since I caught the third there are now three of them
In the 10X10. Everything I’ve read online says I should wait at least 3 months to try and free range, but I feel so bad for them in such a small space. Is there a way I can start to incrementally try and free range them? I have 8 acres of great property for free ranging, no neighbors, and huge cottonwoods for roosting. It would be the perfect property if I could get them to stick around! Any guidance is appreciated
First off welcome to BYC, if you want to free range I'd let 1 out at a time for a short period then put it back, and try another one, they would stay near as they want to be with the others.
Thank you for the response. Do you think I should let the male out and keep the hens in for the first day so he sticks around?

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