Relocating ducks to new pond


Jul 2, 2024
Hello all,

I am looking for a bit of advice on our flock of call ducks.
We have 4 call ducks and a goose in a fenced in area in our garden.

Recently, we build a new duck coop and tried relocating the call ducks to the other pond on our property near the coop. (Partly because my grandfather can see them better there and also because the goose keeps biting their legs and we were worried)

They accepted the coop just fine and seem to like it but everytime they leave the coop they run back to the fence to their old pond.
They run along the fence all day, wanting to reenter their old pond and show no ambition to swim in the new pond.

Any advice for the situation? Would it help if they couldn’t see through the fence till they’re used to the area ?


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Who is that over on the other side of the pond and fence? looks like a Runner duck. Ducks aren't real fond of change so it may take a while for them to get used to their new pond but maybe they miss that other bird over on the other side. Plus won't it be lonely all by itself? since they are flock critters.
Who is that over on the other side of the pond and fence? looks like a Runner duck. Ducks aren't real fond of change so it may take a while for them to get used to their new pond but maybe they miss that other bird over on the other side. Plus won't it be lonely all by itself? since they are flock critters.
It’s a new runner duck (1/3) we got the day of the picture, they never met an they were pretty much in the bushes the entire time (we got the runner ducks to keep the goose company and they seem to be getting along really well) so technically everyone has plenty of company
So you don’t think the Calls might not only want to be back to their old pond but maybe want to join the other ducks and goose?
The goose maybe but he keep biting them and seriously injured a call duck we had before them
The runner ducks they have never seen.

I don’t know what’s better letting them rejoin the goose and potentially getting injured or having them stressed before the gate

The goose is my grandfathers favorite animal so we can’t really get rid of him because of the aggressivity
Is there a possibility now that there are new ducks that the goose may not bite the Calls? is it during the day or at night when the goose is aggressive? Gander or goose?
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Is there a possibility now that there are new ducks that the goose may not bite the Calls? is it during the day or at night when the goose is aggressive? Gander or goose?
She seems to always pick on smaller ducks, no matter the constellation (mentioned duck before was part of a bigger flock)
The goose also doesn’t care that the call ducks are separate and the new area would work better in general.
I guess I’ll have to wait till they are used to not being back there :/
They will most likely get used to their new pond it will just take time. I sure don't know how you'd block that whole entire fence off so they can't see whats on the other side.

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