Reproductive illness


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 13, 2018
Alright, so I’m calling Daphne's vet tomorrow (Daphne is an almost 3 yr. old Rouen duck for those who don’t know). Since her illness about 1 month ago (lethargy, straining, eventually passed an OVERcalcified egg attached to an unshelled egg), Daphne’s eggs have varied from mostly perfect to soft or unshelled. Her energy, appetite, and personality have all been normal, so I’ve been watching to see if her issues would resolve once the season changed. However, she’s had a rough couple of days, and I had to help her out today (warm bath, oral calcium gluconate) after she once again became too quiet and started straining continuously without success. She eventually passed a soft-shelled egg with a long membrane attached and now seems back to her normal self. She eats a layer pellet (mixed with an all-flock maintenance diet) with a bowl of oyster shell available at all times. She gets mealworms, cracked corn (rarely), and lettuce for treats. Occasionally, I add brewers yeast. She never had issues until 1 month ago. Her original illness came after a sudden extreme weather change. She is not even 3 years old. Most people’s birds have stopped laying at this point in the year and I wish she would stop laying too as it is clearly not in her best interest to keep on this way!!!!

Anyways, has anyone else had a duck or chicken with long term laying issues that eventually resolved? What was the cause?
It's a good thing you have a vet that will see her. usually at 3 yrs they do begin to slow down in laying. And I think any breed can have reproductive issues maybe the heavier breeds more so I haven't researched this or anything. Just my thinking. It sure sounds like she is on a good diet and having the vet check her out is hopefully going to give you some answers. I have all my Muscovy's stopped laying now but some of my Runners and Buffs are still laying. I am hoping they all will take a break over winter too.

Please let us know what you find out. We're pulling for Daphne :hugs
Thank you all very much. There are no vets that would be able to see her this week and it breaks my heart. The doctor she saw before who was so wonderful is gone until after Thanksgiving. Daphne’s been such a good duck and I want to do the right thing for her. I just wish I could turn off her egg laying and let her heal. I feel like I’m failing her. I wish there were more vets who would see ducks. I feel like she must have some form of infection somewhere in her reproductive tract, and I’m pretty sure that she’s not going to be able to beat this. I gave her another bath and some vitamins. She needs way more than that.

Current symptoms - Moderate lethargy, decreased appetite, some straining. She’s too quiet. I can’t feel any eggs. She not swollen or bloated. There’s no discharge from anywhere. Stool is normal. Last egg was passed last night. It was soft-shelled. She’s had plenty of calcium.

If anyone has any at home ideas of meds - with doses for a 6 lb duck, I would greatly appreciate it! Prayers and positive thought/vibes are also appreciated. Thank you again!
Have you tried giving calcium citrate or calcium gluconate orally?

Yes (calcium gluconate) last night prior to her laying the soft-shelled egg. The more I research, the more I’m leaning towards Salpingitis. I’m hopeful that it is not headed towards EYP. It looks like oxytetracycline might be something to buy if it isn’t too late. However, I can not find the dosage for 1 duck! Treating the water makes no sense to me? There is no way to know how much she would get, and the other two don’t need it.

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