Rescued Silkie


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 3, 2013
Tonight I rescued a silkie, because it wasn't "show quality" and the owner was going to kill it.

It has a lot of poop on it's leg feathers, from being in a crate all day. It is too cold to give it a bath, so I'm wondering if it would hurt it to trim back the feathers with scissors to clean it up?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also can I trim around it's eyes so it can see better?
I would wait till tomorrow and then give it a bath in warm water with blow drying afterwards. Trimming around the eyes is fine - see the pictures of the silkie on the frontpage of the site.

Humans are a funny breed (being polite...) - they kill other beings because they didn't turn out to be 'show quality'. I wonder what the owner of the silkie looked like? Was (s)he show quality or perhaps culling material....

Thanks for saving the bird!
Today the silkie looked much cleaner, so I assume it cleaned itself up pretty good. I trimmed back its feathers around its eyes, so it could see better. I'm absolutely in love. It is getting along just fine with my other chicks too.

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