In the Brooder
This is Molly, a bantam cochin of unknown age. I've had her for two years. Yesterday she was fine, pecking at the rooster to get away from her food and today she was on her perch making gasping movements and shaking her head. I got closer to her and her face is just covered with yellowish crust.
The bubbles in her eyes in the pic, I honestly have no clue why. I did the thing where you hold their beak and nose and she didn't blow bubbles out her eyes. And once I cleaned her eye after I took the pic, they have not reappeared.
I have already begun dosing her with penicillin, separated her from the other birds (she's now in my bathroom since its warmer in the house and I can check on her regularly), and I put vitamins and electrolytes in her water. Just in case the crust is mites, I did cover her face with coconut oil (which coconut oil is also anti-fungal and anti-bacterial so I figured if its one of those, it wouldn't hurt.) She's also stopped doing the gasping and shaking for the past 5 hrs.
She's eat and drinking perfectly, same old Molly, she'll eat anything with gusto. I've done everything I know to do and have talked to a couple fellow chicken keepers in my area today but I'm very very worried. No one really can tell me whats going on with her. I'm very attached to my Molly, and I don't let any of my birds go without a fight. If anyone knows whats going on or anything else I can do to help her, please tell me!