Rhode Island white? gender guesses

I would say cockerel. The comb and wattle development is, IMO, a lot for a pullet of that age.

Also, while they are rare (so it could be unlikely) I think there is a chance that he could still be Rhode Island White, despite the single comb. Some Wyandottes from hatcheries end up with single combs (they're supposed to have rose combs) because they have some single-combed ancestors. I don't see why it couldn't be the same with Rhode Island Whites. I am sorry if you can't keep him.
However, despite my guess of cockerel, I would wait a few more weeks and re-evaluate then. Some birds grow their combs in quickly, and still turn out to be hens.
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I still think he is a cockerel, but it is still a little early to be sure. And it will be a while before I'll be able to tell if he is a Rhode Island White or some other breed. He has to mature first.
Yes, I can't keep cockerels...I am already looking for homes for them. (I have two others that I think are also cockerels)

my barred rock cockerel (two pictures)

and my sex-linked cockerel

We might just have to eat them in October? when they are full grown (or when they first crow...its so sad).

I don't know if I will be able to eat them...once they have been my pet.
I still think he is a cockerel, but it is still a little early to be sure. And it will be a while before I'll be able to tell if he is a Rhode Island White or some other breed. He has to mature first.
thank you...we will continue to wait. I want him to mature as well...we shall see.
Cock-A-Doodle-Do!!! at 8 1/2 weeks (only he sounded like a choking goose
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