RI Red white eyes


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2023
My 8 month old RI Red Rooster has what looks like white mucus in the corners of his eyes. He seems fine walking around and eating. He does shake his head. I'm not sure what it is or what to do. Any suggestions?


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It looks like MG. Is it like foamy or bubbly? It's kinda hard to tell for sure in the picture. Have you added any new birds to this flock? MG is contagious and non-treatable.
It looks bubbly, and we recently added 2 Ameraucanas and 1 Whiting True Blue.
It's most likely MG then. Did you quarantine those birds before adding them to your flock? If yes, for how long? They may have been the ones to give it to him and probably have it themselves (even if they're not showing).
MG symptoms can show up within days of adding a new chicken from a flock with MG or other respiratory disease. It can be treated, but the chickens will all be carriers for life. Jedds.com sells Tylosin which can be put into water 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days. Denagard or TiaGard is another antibiotic used. The eye should be cleaned out with saline or warm compresses, followed by twice a day Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin in eyes twice a day.
It's most likely MG then. Did you quarantine those birds before adding them to your flock? If yes, for how long? They may have been the ones to give it to him and probably have it themselves (even if they're not showing).
We did not quarantine. I guess we should have. Lesson learned.
MG symptoms can show up within days of adding a new chicken from a flock with MG or other respiratory disease. It can be treated, but the chickens will all be carriers for life. Jedds.com sells Tylosin which can be put into water 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days. Denagard or TiaGard is another antibiotic used. The eye should be cleaned out with saline or warm compresses, followed by twice a day Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin in eyes twice a day

In his eyes? Put neosporin or Terramycin in his eyes, not around his eyes? Isn't that going to irritate them further? I used a sea salt solution on a paper towel to wipe the mucus out of his eyes and to clean around his eyes. It's like it's nonstop mucus producing and really watery. I had to pick off some mucus that collected and dryed and stuck to his under eye area. He let's me do it, thankfully. I feel terrible because it has to be so irritating. Is there a chance he will go blind?
Yes, the antibiotic ointment goes into the eye, just a small dab, to treat the eye. If you got an eye infection, that is the same thing you would have prescribed by a doctor. Table salt 1/2 tsp dissolved in an 8 ounce cup of warm water will make normal saline, which can be a mild thing to clean the eye or a wound. It doesn’t burn because it is the same pH as the body fluids.
Yes, the antibiotic ointment goes into the eye, just a small dab, to treat the eye. If you got an eye infection, that is the same thing you would have prescribed by a doctor. Table salt 1/2 tsp dissolved in an 8 ounce cup of warm water will make normal saline, which can be a mild thing to clean the eye or a wound. It doesn’t burn because it is the same pH as the body fluids.
Update!! I have purchased the ointment and have been treating his eyes 2x a day for the last 3 days, and his eyes have greatly improved! Thank you so very much for that information!!

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