Ringneck Pheasant info page *warning lots of PICS*

My Dh and I are dying to get Pheasant eggs to incubate in early Spring-Im thinking 30? We are going to realease them in hunting camp once old enough-Can you answer some questions for me?
Have you figured out how to sex them yet?
How old are they when they start laying eggs?
are they easy to hatch?
I have the space and tools to make a flight pen so thats covered.
Im sure the pheasants we release will wonder right? I mean they dont linger where they are released so they?-
The ones that do not get "found" during camp time-will it be easy for them to survive the winters on their own?

Do you sell eggs ? how many and for how much and when should I buy them to incubate so they are old enough come fall-I dont want to house them any longer than needed-I am a big fan of free ranging-thanks so much for your help and sticky!

First of all, Thank You for the very informative post!!!

I am glad you posted this up because it seems to me like there are a lot of confusions between Ringnecks and a few other simular looking pheasants. The pictures sure do help out a lot!

Happy Holidays!

- Tommy
I love this thread because I am a proud owner of one male Chinese ringneck pheasant!

I am an urban keeper of a few hens and my one pheasant. I happened upon pheasants when one of my hens went broody and a co-worker who lives out in the country offered me a few pheasant eggs for my hen to hatch. Sadly, only one of three survived.

My male pheasant is almost a year old now, free ranges my yard(I'm on a quarter acre) with the hens and seems to be thriving. He seems very satisfied, he is well-fed and plump, and has never made an attempt to fly. I really enjoy him and he absolutely lovely in temperament! I know I don't have the most ideal environment for him in the city, but he is well taken care of and loved!

So my question becomes...are there any other urban keepers of pheasants? I'd love to get him a companion or two this summer...any advice for this pheasant newbie?

Thanks for any information!
I keep pheasants in a sort of urban setting. I had plenty of room under my deck so i made a pen under there, i just wanted to make sure sunlight could reach my pair of ringneck pheasants. I am looking to expand the pen some more to add even more room.
How big is the pen you have for your pheasant, angelcabrera?
Great Thread!!

I do have a question though...

Ringneck strains:
There are over 30 different subspecies of the Ringneck alone. Here are a few:
-Blue back
-Kansas (Which is a blue back)
-Melanistic Mutant
-Green (Also called Japanese or Japanese Green)
-Manchurian cross

From my research, Melanistic Mutant is a color Mutation. (not a subspecies)
Jumbo is also not a subspecies...
The Japanese Ringnecks are also sometimes considered a completely seperate species, but I understand where you are coming from (since it can be both ways.)

ETA: Manchurian Cross isnt a pure subspecies either. Its a cross of different subspecies.​
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I'm on a quarter acre, so my pheasant has free run of a little more than half that. I don't have him in a pen, though I do have a small dog run(approx. 6' x 6') where he lived as a chick and adolescent. Occasionally, I put him back there when it rains or is particularly cold as he has shelter in the run. But, 99% of the time, he free ranges with the hens. I hope that helps you...I'm sorry, I don't have more input for you!

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