RIR - hen.....or roo, help, please????


13 Years
14 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Orange County, NY
I have three RIR's - all hatched the same time, this one acts like a roo, and has a bigger comb that (obviously) lookslike a roo - Could it be, or is it (hopefully) a hen acting like a roo since I don't have one?

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How old is the chicken? Do you have any pictures that show the whole chicken? Has it started crowing yet? Does it have cockerel feathers? Is it bigger than the other hens? Does it have longer legs and stand more up right? How and when did it feather out?

Here is a better pic - they were all hatched at the same time, June 1, it's not crowing, just making a throaty noise when I go near it, and is starting to get an attitude, they are all the same size, only this one with a bigger comb, the other two are smaller combs and one is almost not there at all - I wouldn't have a clue when it feathered out or if it has cockeral feathers - these are my first chicks and I have nothing to go by - It's the one standing on the platform, the legs don't seem longer and it does stand more upright

Does the noise sound like a growl? Hens can growl when upset. It looks like a hen from the picture. But, that is just a guess. Still, I would think that at almost 3 months it would have started to crow.

Cockerel feathers are longer than a hens and can be curly and are usually more colorful. Roosters tend to feather out tail feathers first, hens back and wing feathers.

My missexed rooster started crowing at about 7 weeks and was so much bigger than our hen. His tail feathers were curly and bright and came in way before the rest of his feathers. Also, his comb grew in fast and it was much bigger. Yet, large combs don't always mean rooster. I had a hen with a large comb that came in about 12 weeks.

Perhaps, some of the more experienced members would have an idea.

I have 5 production reds and the two that ended up being roos didn't have tails for the longest time.. My 3 month old's tail just started coming in..

A closer picture would be better.. I's hard to see in such a small image but from the first picture, the comb and wattles are much redder than my 3 month old pullets... Could we get a few closer pictures? can't see if it has saddle feathers or pointy hackle feathers.. Too far away..


btw, here is my 3 month old roo and 3 month old pullet.. you can see the difference..
I'm about 96% sure it's a hen. Two of my 15 week old RIR pullets look like that with larger-than-average wattles and combs. My RIR roo has streaks of solid black down his neck and you can usually tell within 12 weeks if its a male or not. But yeah, it is hard to tell the difference if your not familiar with the roos.

Here's an example, my roo is behind the two girls in front (he's the one with the bright red comb and wattles and the dark cape feathers.)

Right here|
I can't really tell from the photos-sorry. i just hatched 6 RIR (born 1 April) Only one was a rooster -large red comb and wattles red face, and I don't know if it is significant but a lighter coloured eye, slightly red tinged round it, whereas the girls were all dark. The girls are only now getting redder comb and wattles at 5 months

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