rir sexing. 7.5 weeks old.

Good. I was getting worried. Are there any disadvantages to not keeping a rooster?

The girls get frisky with each other. There is also not one automatically designated "flock watcher," so you'll have to hope one of the hens takes on that responsibility. And no fertile eggs. Of course, there's also no crowing at 3am...
Most of them are getting black tail feathers and about half of them are getting dark neck feathers.

That's New Hampshire blood in them, I'd bet. Pure RIR shouldn't have black in the neck and tail. But, it says nothing about gender. Females can be iridescent in their black feathers. Males get a more pronounced green color but the girls can be green as well.
10 weeks old today! Lost one to the neighbor's dog last weekend. :( It Dressed to 2.2# . Anyone see any roos yet?
Ended up with 8 pullets and 16 roos. All that had early combs were roos. Also all that had any green on neck or tail were roos. It took me 16 weeks to figure it out but i bet i could tell much earlier on the next batch. Probably around 6 weeks.

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