City Farmer Jim

Mar 18, 2020
South Texas close to Corpus Christi
I'm going to ask most likely for the millionth time so I will apologize now. We have 2 Cream legbars what I REALLY thought were 2's the question: will a ROO "squat" like a laying hen does ? He/they are 8 to 9 months old and he has crowed once(weakly) that I can attest to. "He" has a full comb and wattles. We have not seen "him" try to mate, his "sister looks like all the rest of our 10 pullets/hens. "He's" really camera shy and won't give me a good picture. "He" does have a little feathered top knot. The "hen squat" has me confused 😕 doesn't seem to take much any more lol
We would need some pictures especially since the bird in question is displaying contradictory behavior. A crest is a breed related trait and not a sexlinked trait unfortunately
Crested Cream Legbar pullets and cockerels look nothing alike as far as their pattern.
If you don't want to post a pic do a Google search for them. It should be easy to see what yours is. Or also if it looks like your other one it's a pullet. If very different probably a cockerel.
Squatting or not means nothing to me as far as a hint to sex.
Legbar - My Pet Chicken
Male (left) Female (right)

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