- Nov 3, 2024
- 78
- 149
- 76
Ok. So Henry and Charles grew up in the same flock of nine. (It was not my intention to have two roos. Thank Cackle for that.) About a month ago I went out in the morning to find Charles had a bloodied neck. Not terrible but clear. I watched carefully. There have been no more bloody fights. Charles seems to now be in the submissive position despite his being bigger. He isn’t particularly depressed but I see him run away if Henry spots him eyeing a hen. Henry has been doing his thing with the hens for more than a month now. I am hoping the spring doesn’t make things worse but we’ll see. I have a separate area if needed.
My first question: It was honestly my intention to have Charles, and Henry was an unwanted addition. (But what to do now? I can’t just kill him. It isn’t in me.) If I do have to separate them, should I put Henry, the dominant roo, in timeout, or Charles? I could socially engineer the flock a bit that way but unsure whether it would really work. I tend to let them sort their own issues out but cannot allow bloody fights. Neither have been aggressive towards me but it is obvious when I am sitting with a hen (who comes over to me on her own by the way) Henry has a watchful eye on me and immediately comes over.
Second question: how do you get rid of a roo? No one wants them and I can’t kill them. Will vets put them down? If I remove him from the run our foxes would take him within a day but I certainly don’t want to encourage that behaviour. And I know some would ask why I have chickens if I am unwilling to kill them but I couldn’t kill my cats or turtles either and at 60 I seriously do not want my 50 year old turtles anymore but my 10 year old self made a commitment so there you go.
My first question: It was honestly my intention to have Charles, and Henry was an unwanted addition. (But what to do now? I can’t just kill him. It isn’t in me.) If I do have to separate them, should I put Henry, the dominant roo, in timeout, or Charles? I could socially engineer the flock a bit that way but unsure whether it would really work. I tend to let them sort their own issues out but cannot allow bloody fights. Neither have been aggressive towards me but it is obvious when I am sitting with a hen (who comes over to me on her own by the way) Henry has a watchful eye on me and immediately comes over.
Second question: how do you get rid of a roo? No one wants them and I can’t kill them. Will vets put them down? If I remove him from the run our foxes would take him within a day but I certainly don’t want to encourage that behaviour. And I know some would ask why I have chickens if I am unwilling to kill them but I couldn’t kill my cats or turtles either and at 60 I seriously do not want my 50 year old turtles anymore but my 10 year old self made a commitment so there you go.