Rooster and Breed?

His legs look feathered? Could be an Olive Egger.

I have an Olive Egger cockerel that I believe is a mix between a Cuckoo Maran (feathered legs) and a Cream Legbar (tuff on head). Looks similar to yours. Mine is 15 weeks old.
I had taken photos of the signs on the bins the day before I got the chicks so that I could research the breeds. Just looked at the photos of the signs and sure enough, Easter Eggers were in the bin next to Australorps. Guess he did jump or get mixed up somehow.
I had taken photos of the signs on the bins the day before I got the chicks so that I could research the breeds. Just looked at the photos of the signs and sure enough, Easter Eggers were in the bin next to Australorps. Guess he did jump or get mixed up somehow.
A few months ago when I got my guineas from at woods there were some 4 dollar old faithful chicks on the other side of the brooder with cardboard separating them and one was in with the 8 dollar assorted guineas and the worker didn’t notice so I saved someone 8 dollars by moving it back 😂
I had taken photos of the signs on the bins the day before I got the chicks so that I could research the breeds. Just looked at the photos of the signs and sure enough, Easter Eggers were in the bin next to Australorps. Guess he did jump or get mixed up somehow.
The good news is... if you want to allow them to breed, there's a possibility that their offspring will have olive eggs!

I'm still new to this.. but I was originally not wanting a rooster and when my OE turned out to be a male, I was going to get rid of him. But after doing some "research" on this site, I think I'm going to keep him and maybe eventually I'll have a broody hen that I will let sit on fertilized eggs. Plus, he's actually my nicest chicken. He's the only one that let's me pet him haha!

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