Rooster attacked by weasel.


May 8, 2021
My flock has been under attack and I lost most of them in one night. Put the remaining hens in the basement. Fast forward and I put two roosters out with soooo many traps around the property and one was attacked. I put him in the basement in a dog crate and have been giving him B12 and CBD oil by dropper. The back of his neck is pretty ripped up and for a few hours today I thought that his neck was broken because he was drooping it between his legs BUT he started lifting it. Is there anything else I should do?
Yes, initially. It has been about 15 hours since the attack. The blood has clotted well. I'm torn between disturbing and handling him (too much?) and just leaving him alone to heal. I have a B12 laced water bowl in there with him.
Thank you, thank you! I cannot believe that this bird is up and running. I swear we thought he had died about five times. We had given him another two days before we put him out of his misery but look at him now!


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Thank you, thank you! I cannot believe that this bird is up and running. I swear we thought he had died about five times. We had given him another two days before we put him out of his misery but look at him now!
Congrats on getting him better! Just concentrate on predator proofing your coop and run or whatever setup you have for your poultry. Actually, "ridding your area of predators" isn't really the best solution. You might try setting up a game cam to see what your predator is. Idk where you live, but sounds like maybe raccoons. We live in the woods and there are lots of predators living here. Rarely do we lose a bird to one. When we do, I'm heartbroken, but it isn't the predator's fault...they just see an easy meal. Usually we can deter whatever it is without killing it, and don't have issues very often. Traps and killing are our last resort, always. Try electrified fencing if your birds are in a run. And we have several roosters, that's their purpose is to help warn and protect the flock. They will sacrifice themselves for the hens sometimes. Some are better protectors than others.

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