Rooster bleeding from his mouth

My neighbor had some saline! She brought it over. If I need to clean it more, let me know. I was trying to be extra gentle. He’s still blinking but I don’t think I see an eye 😣 I feel so terrible. I have a video as well but I’m not sure how to attach it.


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1 would continue to clean it every so often till its clean, i don't think there is an eye there anymore, i believe you now have a pirate chicken! :)

i would also be sure it remains clean and disinfected. be sure to continue to look for more injuries as well!

and as for the video, try posting it to youtube, and attaching a link.
1 would continue to clean it every so often till its clean, i don't think there is an eye there anymore, i believe you now have a pirate chicken! :)

i would also be sure it remains clean and disinfected. be sure to continue to look for more injuries as well!

and as for the video, try posting it to youtube, and attaching a link.
Okay, thank you! Should I use the terramycin eye cream I have?

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