My Welsummer Rooster who is approximately 24 weeks old has been crowing for about a couple weeks now and at first it was just when I let them out of the coop in the morning, usually right around 7 or 8 AM, then one or two more times throughout the day.
Well he's been crowing earlier and earlier it seems. Yesterday he was crowing about 5:30 AM, this morning I heard him crowing at 4:00 AM, the sun doesn't even rise until almost 7:30 AM.
Did he maybe just see a predator (or a deer, lots of those around) or something, or can he not read a clock? Lmao
Honestly the noise doesn't bother me even a bit, and legally I am allowed to have roosters. However the ordinance regarding chickens is very vague. It doesn't specifically exclude roosters but it doesn't specifically include them either. It just states that it is legal to own chickens.
And even still, there are noise ordinances and while I don't think I could get in any real trouble over it, it wouldn't take much for one of my neighbors to call Barney Fife on me.
So is this normal? Abnormal? Is he just at a hormonal age and feeling a need to squawk a lot?
Well he's been crowing earlier and earlier it seems. Yesterday he was crowing about 5:30 AM, this morning I heard him crowing at 4:00 AM, the sun doesn't even rise until almost 7:30 AM.
Did he maybe just see a predator (or a deer, lots of those around) or something, or can he not read a clock? Lmao
Honestly the noise doesn't bother me even a bit, and legally I am allowed to have roosters. However the ordinance regarding chickens is very vague. It doesn't specifically exclude roosters but it doesn't specifically include them either. It just states that it is legal to own chickens.
And even still, there are noise ordinances and while I don't think I could get in any real trouble over it, it wouldn't take much for one of my neighbors to call Barney Fife on me.
So is this normal? Abnormal? Is he just at a hormonal age and feeling a need to squawk a lot?