Rooster developing black and also white patches on comb, hen with raised white spots


Mar 24, 2021
Several months ago I noticed one hen with raised white spots that look like calcium deposits. They do not rub off, at least not with minimal pressure. They do not seem to be growing or spreading; they do they do not seem to bother her or change her behavior. Her comb has always been a light to medium pink color, never red. I do not know if she is laying eggs.

Maybe not related, but the comb of my 3 year old rooster Tank has begun to change. He molted last year and had a gorgeous mane and beautiful red comb. Recently his comb has thicked and become bumpy. He has started developing flat white spots and some flat black spots on his comb. He has also lost some neck feathers. I occassionaly see a hen peck at his mane, but not often. I treated his comb and legs with Ivermectin a few weeks ago. I also applied Vasoline to his feet. His feet are looking better, but not the comb.

Any thoughts?


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What is your location and climate? Are you in a sub tropical region? Has it been warm and wet?

My first guess is that your chickens are developing a fungus called favus. It can be treated with an anti-fungal lotion or ointment.
What is your location and climate? Are you in a sub tropical region? Has it been warm and wet?

My first guess is that your chickens are developing a fungus called favus. It can be treated with an anti-fungal lotion or ointment.
I am in Northern Nevada where is has been a mild winter, not much rain some snow, and many cloudy days this year. That could be an explanation for the rooster, but not so sure about the hen. She has had this for several seasons without change (they could be spreading, but very, very slowly if they are. )

I will do some further research and see where I can find a lotion or ointment. Probably in Reno, but may not be in our little communitys.

Thanks for the reply.
Athlete's foot ointment or women's vaginal yeast cream will do. The way we work things here is to suggest things to treat what appears to be a likely issue since it's impossible to diagnose from the internet. By trying a treatment and seeing if it makes a difference, you will be ruling out that possibility of favus or confirming that it's a fungus if the treatment works.
Athlete's foot ointment or women's vaginal yeast cream will do. The way we work things here is to suggest things to treat what appears to be a likely issue since it's impossible to diagnose from the internet. By trying a treatment and seeing if it makes a difference, you will be ruling out that possibility of favus or confirming that it's a fungus if the treatment works.
Sounds good,I wiil give it a try.

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