Rooster fight what to do.


Feb 2, 2024
This morning I went out to the chicken run and one of our roosters was badly injured his come was bleeding really bad and he was just laying there. I treated his wounds and put him in a dog crate with soft bedding. He had all ready been blinded in one eye a few years ago from another rooster that we used to have. I'll try to explain this in a way that makes sense. Ok so a month ago we had 5 roosters ( and a IOT OF HENS and a lot of space I mean a lot ) so 4 of the roosters had been hatched together 4 years ago. I will call them #1 #2 #3 and #4 to simplify this. #1 and #2 never fight with anyone. #3 and #4 both wanted to be the ( king ) so they got into a fight when they were young and #4 was blinded in one eye from #3. They stopped fighting after that. Last year we hatched some chicks and go a few roosters out of the batch. We kept one because he was friendly. I will call him #5. None of the roosters had been fighting and everything was great until last month I went to the pen and #3 was injured his head was a little bloody but he seemed like he was more internally damaged. He didn't make it. I looked at the other roosters after it happened and none looked like they had been in a fight so I assumed it was a hawk that did it. ( we've had a few hawk problems in the past ) So every thing went back to normal although now that the king rooster was dead I figured a different rooster would take his place that rooster ended up being #4. So I went outside this morning and #4 was badly injured at the back of the pen and #5 ( the younger rooster ) had blood all over him mostly on his legs but they weren't injured his come was a little bloody but he definitely won the fight. My question is now what do I do. I put #5 in pen by himself so he won't kill the two nice roosters I have left. I don't know if the injured rooster will make it. What do I do?
Good idea separating #5. Good start.
Apply vetericyn to the wound, it is an anti-bacterial spray that will prevent infections.
You should also apply hydrogen peroxide and bluekote. It depends how bad the wounds are. Possibly get rid of #5 if that is possible, I gave mine away to my neighbor, or you can bring him to an auction if you don't really care what will happen to him.
Another option, may not be possible, but take him to the vet.
Separate your two nice roosters so that they don't decide to fight each other and wound each other.
Good luck!!!!!:fl
Do you think that #5 will fight with my 2 nice roosters? If I keep him? Or could he make the other roosters get mean? I don't want either of those things to happen. The other 2 roosters are so nice I don't want them get bullied or turn mean.
The rooster that got attacked is still alive this morning. ( Amazingly ) I hope his good eye didn't get messed up in the fight I still can't get him to open it. He will only open the eye that he is already blind in.
The rooster that got attacked is still alive this morning. ( Amazingly ) I hope his good eye didn't get messed up in the fight I still can't get him to open it. He will only open the eye that he is already blind in.
did he survive? and what did you do with #5?

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