Rooster mounting hens in front of us.

Unless a rooster is being human aggressive and needs to be taken down a peg or too, I'd let him go about his business.
my rooster does this is front of us too, i also read not to allow it and i understand why, but at the same time i dont have an issue with my rooster so he can do as he pleases, doesnt matter to me! hes very respectful and kind of friendly, first to greet me when i go outside because he knows i have goodies, but hes respectful about it all.
In my opinion, I feel that it is disrespectful to have a rooster mate in front of me, and it's embarrassing when I have family over. But like I said, this is only my opinion, and I respect everyone's own opinion.
My roosters don't mate in front of me. I had some that did but I don't have them any more. The only reason I don't like letting a rooster mate in front of me is because every one that did was chasing a hen he wants to mount towards me and cornering the hen between me and an object (fence, bucket, etc.). I have 5 roosters that has never done that to me. As long as the rooster is not aggressive towards me or the hen, and the hen submits to the rooster willingly without being chased to me, I let them do what they want. My old roosters will mate with hens when i'm outside and I don't bother them, especially when I want chicks, but they don't run hens towards me. I have tripped over several chickens this way and I don't like possibly hurting my birds (especially hens) and myself.
I really don't care when my roos do their business in front of me. I have five roos and ONE hen (don't ask) and so the hen is constantly being "ridden" so I am getting used to it. I just let my top rooster be the top rooster and the other roos regular cocks, so I've gotten used to it by now. I personally don't think it's anything worth stopping. Also, my rooster is respectful of me and knows that I could do anything to him that I wanted to, when all he can do is attack: so he DOESN'T attack.
let the roo do his job.I am just a water bringer/feed bringer.

My roo does it in front of me,behind me,to the sid of me,me not in sight,he does it at night,in the day,when Im away.

let the rooster live!!!
To each his own. I have one little roo that mates in front of me from time to time. I have not had any dominace issues. I dont find it disrespectfull nor do I find it embarssing. Maybe my company would find it embarassing but that's how chickens were designed. It's life. I say if he's not human aggressive then let him be
You need to either get many more hens or remove 4 roos, that Poor hen, theyre gonna breed her to death...that's just wrong

In March my order of 15 BO chicks, all female will arrive and I've been putting up advertisement for four of my roosters for sale
I'm on track!

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