Rooster pecked in the butt

18 % minimum is not true. And certainly not for heritage breeds and free ranging chickens.

Other chickens than the hybrid laying machines who lay less eggs and have access to to other food do not need so much proteins at all.

But 10% protein for layers is very low. The organic layer feed in my country has 11,8 - 17,1 % proteins*.
Supplements can be insects they find by themselves or insect mix, mealworms, etc.
I wouldn’t give salted cheese or other salted human food.

PS: Adjusted the protein levels in organic feed after a bit of research.
My brand has 17,1% protein.
Which brand are you using? I am also in Holland
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In my small flock (6 chickens in total), I have a rooster that was born handicapped. One of my chickens has started pecking him in the butt to a point to make him bleeding.

What is the root cause and how can I help him healing and stop this behavior?

Thanks for your support!
Can you please post photos of his injury?
Hello. I am coming back because after having isolated my rooster and adjusted the diet of my hens, I have tried to bring him back to the flock for a couple of hours. Eventually the chickens got back to peck him on his tail. I see the two highest in ranking eating the roots and hurting him again. What do you suggest? I tried also a no peck spray but it did not really work.

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