Rooster Questions

I have a French silkie roo that has positively taken over my flock of buff orpingtons (big fatties) and amaracaunas......he rides them all equally and struts around the yard like a pimp :D Give your young guy some time! My orps are a good two years older than my silkie and MUCH bigger.

With that said - I have a playpen full of new chicks and breeds. One of these cuties I am 99% positive is a cockerel. To my knowledge, Black Copper Marans are full sized chickens. Do I have anything to be concerned about as far as my JoeChicken's safety when this new fella reaches puberty? I do NOT want fights - JoeChicken is my baby! At the same time, I would like maran chicks so I sorta need to keep Louis too! Will JoeChicken just keep him in his place since he's older and Louis won't be even integrated for another few weeks?
I have no experience with two roos, but the possibility of fighting is quite high.

I have read that if a broody hen is raising a brood within the flock, that there is less chance of trouble, but no guarantees.

If you don't have a broody hen, then you need to wait until the chicks are full size, and by that time the rooster chick will be "feeling his oats" so to speak and I am pretty confident that you will have rooster fighting.
This is my first time to ask a question on here. Here goes.
We have a black rooster and we just got 6 new hens. Our rooster is black and we got 2 black hens and a black and copper hen that he pecks them down to the point of the 2 solid black ones hiding all day. Will this stop eventually or will we need to get rid of our rooster? He doesn't seem to bother the other ones badly. Nor is he aggressive with humans.
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Mama7: Welcome to BYC
If you just dumped the new hens in with the rest then he might be trying to drive the interlopers away. If that is the case then things should settle down once he decides that they can join the flock. If he is young and inexperienced he may not be courting them to their liking and aren't submitting to him, again it will settle down once they figure it out. Worse case is that he just doesn't like them, in that case time will tell.
This is my first time to ask a question on here. Here goes.
We have a black rooster and we just got 6 new hens. Our rooster is black and we got 2 black hens and a black and copper hen that he pecks them down to the point of the 2 solid black ones hiding all day. Will this stop eventually or will we need to get rid of our rooster? He doesn't seem to bother the other ones badly. Nor is he aggressive with humans.
Read up on integration:
Advanced Search>Titles Only> integration

Or start a new thread in the flock management forum and give more details on number/ages of birds, size of coop and run and you'll likely get more advice.

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