Rooster Rehoming - Phoenix, Arizona


Jul 24, 2024
I work at a school in Mesa and we hatched chicks in an incubator to educate the students about the life cycle of chickens. I was successful in rehoming 7/8 of chickens, but have been running into a wall in trying to find a home for the one rooster of our 8 hatched chicks. I really wanted to keep him but since this is K-6 school, it would be a bit of a risk and liability issue to keep a rooster around young kids. He is almost 5 months old now and is very beautiful. I'm unsure of the breed but am assuming he is mixed. I will deliver the rooster to you if you are interested. Attached is a picture of him.


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Beautiful rooster, :frow
And a great thing you are doing with students teaching about chicken hatching.:thumbsup
Now the reality. Yes, it is difficult to rehome roosters. Would you be OK to offer to family that would process and feed their children dinner??
I know it is a tough choice. But you have to look at the positive. Rooster had a good life with one bad moment.
Family has food for dinner.
Consider posting on your local state thread. It is an active one.
Offer him there. You never know if someone near needs one for their breeding program.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome

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