Rooster running away

Isaac 0

7 Years
Jul 19, 2016
Hi i have 3 roosters i have successfully trained two of them (Black Australorp,Red Production) By picking him up and walking around but my other rooster runs away from me and i cant pick him up and a lot of people say a rooster that runs away from you is a mean rooster he has pecked at me before but i would like to tame him any suggestions?
I prefer my roosters stay out of my way and keep their distance. It's a sign of respect generally. Too much handling, especially when young will cause many to not have a healthy respect which leads to attacks. I have zero human aggressive roosters and it's not even something I think about. So I would leave him be and let him run.
Ok will do
Roosters are just that...Roosters.
As they mature a Rooster has two things on his mind..Breeding and protecting his flock...Always have him see you as the leader of the flock or he will attack you...Never turn your back to him as he will see it as weakness and pounce you...

Glad you agree to stop holding the Rooster...He will also not like when you pick up his hens.....I never hold my birds...I also never kept a Rooster this year because the one I had last year attacked me too many times...
UPDATE-I'm giving the two away are rooster to hen ratio is terrible (3r to 8h) I don't want to see my hens get bare backs because of too much roosters but will be getting two hens in exchange for selling the roosters.

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