Rooster scratched my son

Guessing neither of you kids are old enough to have children.

Actually, I have 2, a 8 year old and a 10 yr old.

Safety most definitely comes first! If he is showing any aggression at all then I don’t let my kids anywhere near them. But there have been times where their temperament has balanced out and they become great with the kids.
Regardless of whether the cockerel attacks again, the experience probably ruined the child's trust and friendliness towards the cock, and maybe towards the rest of the chickens. Good luck making your decision.
Aggression is ten times more serious when children are involved. I'd rather put a cockerel in the soup pot than potentially endanger a young one's eyesight....and have many times. Sadly, even when said bird is one of my very favorites. Safety is well worth making a sacrifice.

There was an instance several months back where my youngest brother took to relentlessly chasing the cherished family pet, which provoked him to attack. It hasn't happened since, but then again, Kisses isn't a normal rooster. I wouldn't count on your roo to make a turnaround. :(


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