Rooster sitting on eggs?!!

As for the future, here is what's happening:
So I incubated many eggs in an incubator as well, but a chick hatched before I got a brooder yet. I managed to get a brooder ready after the chick was 11 days old, so it lived in the incubator at that time, which was a mistake I did. What I didn't think about was that this chick is always with the eggs and thus it made the eggs dirty. Later, another chick hatched, and I put it with the 11 days old chick in the brooder. Later, one egg in the incubator exploded, which was a chicken egg, and soon after, all these chicks died including the first one, except for one, who survived as I realised the issue was they have an infected yolk sac, so I gave it amoxicillin water (1mg per g of water) and also put electrolytes in the water. Now it is around 20 days old more or less and is healthy and strong. The incubator still had one last egg, which was the only duck egg in the incubator. It hatched a few days ago and it wasn't ill, it was fine. Both of them are together right now, and I attached their pictures. I am not sure if I should let the duck which was broody take care of them or if it won't work. By the way, it is a Muscovy duckling.


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I would not let the duck raise the chick as the chick cant swim, so i would be looking for a friend for the chick or a broody hen/mother hen that could raise the chick and I would give the broody duck the duckling, if this is not possible then this is an article about raising duckling and chicks together

Good luck, adorable babies
As for the future, here is what's happening:
So I incubated many eggs in an incubator as well, but a chick hatched before I got a brooder yet. I managed to get a brooder ready after the chick was 11 days old, so it lived in the incubator at that time, which was a mistake I did. What I didn't think about was that this chick is always with the eggs and thus it made the eggs dirty. Later, another chick hatched, and I put it with the 11 days old chick in the brooder. Later, one egg in the incubator exploded, which was a chicken egg, and soon after, all these chicks died including the first one, except for one, who survived as I realised the issue was they have an infected yolk sac, so I gave it amoxicillin water (1mg per g of water) and also put electrolytes in the water. Now it is around 20 days old more or less and is healthy and strong. The incubator still had one last egg, which was the only duck egg in the incubator. It hatched a few days ago and it wasn't ill, it was fine. Both of them are together right now, and I attached their pictures. I am not sure if I should let the duck which was broody take care of them or if it won't work. By the way, it is a Muscovy duckling.
Sorry about the ones that didn’t make it. Your babies are super cute though!
I would not let the duck raise the chick as the chick cant swim, so i would be looking for a friend for the chick or a broody hen/mother hen that could raise the chick and I would give the broody duck the duckling, if this is not possible then this is an article about raising duckling and chicks together

Good luck, adorable babies
I think I will put like a fence or something to close a place in the garden and let them dtay alone for some time so the rooster and Male duck doesn't hurt it or kill it. The chick and duckling are living together right now, and they sit together to warm each others, and I tried putting both with the duck, and it didn't hurt the chick but also didn't seem as protective for it.
Sorry about the ones that didn’t make it. Your babies are super cute though!
Thank you all for helping.

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