Rooster vs hen Brahma chicken


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2024
Okay so I was sold these two Brahma "pullets" but when I got them they had no tail feathers. Well I just started paying attention recently and noticed they look like roos. These are also the first Brahma chickens I have owned so I'm on the fence. Anyways I'm rehoming them if they are roos but would like a second opinion even though I think I know lol I'm just hopeful I'm wrong 😅
Unfortunately, both are cockerels. Where did you get them from and how old were they when you bought them?
They were about 3 months when I got them from a local breeder. They had next to no tail feathers in so I couldn't tell based off that and just noticed after I saw one attempting to mount my hen that their feathers looked very rooish. I contacted the breeder and they ignored me.
I did already they ignored my message. I have someone who will take them just sucks I lost money on what I was told was a pullet
Yes, sadly some people love to take advantage of fellow chicken keepers.

Next time you want to buy birds, post a few pictures of them prior to purchasing and we will try to help you determine if they really are what the sellers claims them to be.

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