Roosters and grit


Feb 1, 2024
So I have a question regarding grit. I have one rooster in my flock. I place grit in one bowl and oyster shells in another. I was told that even though I have a rooster I should be feeding all of them “layer grit”. Can some one please verify that for me. I buy kalmbach grit. I do not want to cause my rooster any health issues if I am feeding him the wrong GRIT. Kalmbach makes two types of grit: chick grit and “layer”.
And just in case someone wants to ask- YES I AM ASKING ABOUT GRIT AND not about feed. They are permanently on starter grower feed from kalmbach as well. With their daily rations of vegetables and watermelon every other day or as I have it available in this heat. Thank you in advance. I am new to all to this and have only had chickens going on two seasons/years.
Grit is crushed granite, which is vital in helping with digestion of harder foods like seeds, & plants by grinding/crushing them up in the gizzard.

Oyster Shell, not grit. It's used to supplement calcium to layers that are on an All Flock, or Flock Raiser type diet.

Not quite sure what is meant by Layer Grit.
Grit comes in different sizes, chick, grower and layer. The name pertains to the age of the bird and size of the grit. Layer is fine for Roos but too big for chicks.
^ this. It's simply the largest size of chicken grit, that's all.

For illustration:
Grit comes in different sizes, chick, grower and layer. The name pertains to the age of the bird and size of the grit. Layer is fine for Roos but too big for chicks.
I get poultry grit for all types of poultry, & life stages. It's got random mixed sizes that can be picked through.
I was told that even though I have a rooster I should be feeding all of them “layer grit”.
I did a search. Kalmbach Layer Grit is simply granite grit sized for adult chickens. It has nothing to do with eggs or eggshells. The other "grit" Kalmbach makes is chick grit, sized for young chicks.

@usaf1997 all chickens need this type of grit in their gizzard to grind up stuff that needs to be ground up. It is fine for your rooster. If chickens forage much on the ground they tend to find enough grit themselves but there is nothing wrong with offering them some. If they need it they will eat it. If they don't need it the bowl of grit could last a long time.

It's unfortunate that Kalmbach labels this "layer" grit when a much clearer name would be adult grit. It can easily cause confusion. It did.
Grit is crushed granite, which is vital in helping with digestion of harder foods like seeds, & plants by grinding/crushing them up in the gizzard.

Oyster Shell, not grit. It's used to supplement calcium to layers that are on an All Flock, or Flock Raiser type diet.

Not quite sure what is meant by Layer Grit.
Yup I agree.i just don’t understand why there is a thing as layer grit and I got confused
I did a search. Kalmbach Layer Grit is simply granite grit sized for adult chickens. It has nothing to do with eggs or eggshells. The other "grit" Kalmbach makes is chick grit, sized for young chicks.

@usaf1997 all chickens need this type of grit in their gizzard to grind up stuff that needs to be ground up. It is fine for your rooster. If chickens forage much on the ground they tend to find enough grit themselves but there is nothing wrong with offering them some. If they need it they will eat it. If they don't need it the bowl of grit could last a long time.

It's unfortunate that Kalmbach labels this "layer" grit when a much clearer name would be adult grit. It can easily cause confusion. It did.
Thanks so much for your help

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