Roosters are awesome

Update: confirmed roosters are indeed awesome! So me and my gals are outside, and hear rando rooster wailing, ordinarily is just cock a doodle do, but this was a wail/scream crow. I thought he was being culled, or on fire or something. My girls starting screaming running directly to their coop, I’m still confused and hear a ruckus above me. 2 mockingbirds were attacking a hawk midair. This rooster has helped/alerted my girls several times, and he doesn’t even know it.
@RoyalChick did you know mocking birds will attack hawks?? I sure didn’t. But I saw it with my own eyeballs!
@RoyalChick did you know mocking birds will attack hawks?? I sure didn’t. But I saw it with my own eyeballs!
Yes! Happens over my head a lot. They mob the hawk. It is a noisy affair!
I also have seen them attack a fox.
The real hawk attack squad are the crows. They drive them off in minutes!
Yes! Happens over my head a lot. They mob the hawk. It is a noisy affair!
I also have seen them attack a fox.
The real hawk attack squad are the crows. They drive them off in minutes!
Aren’t mockingbirds fantastic? I have crows too, and it’s just a pis*ing match between the mockingbirds and crows. And a flock of cardinals that sit on my porch watching the show lol
I didn’t know they’d go after a fox! Feisty little things aren’t they.
Aren’t mockingbirds fantastic? I have crows too, and it’s just a pis*ing match between the mockingbirds and crows. And a flock of cardinals that sit on my porch watching the show lol
I didn’t know they’d go after a fox! Feisty little things aren’t they.
They are indeed feisty. And noisy!
I think the fox may have got a baby and the mockingbirds were directing the fox. It was quite a sight!
I’ve had so many accidental roosters… I love having them, but I have had some nasty ones! We hand raise them, so usually they’re very sweet, but I had a BB red bantam one that would practically rip our hands off when we reached into the egg boxes. He was so beautiful, but I guess that breed can be aggressive. He went to my brother’s house where he could be an “only chicken” with a bunch of kids, and he got nice pretty quickly after that. We also had a silver seabright that turned nasty like that too. He was also re-homed to my brother’s house! 😄 My first roo was a buff Japanese bantam who was so sweet that he’d fall asleep on my lap while I’d pet him. I miss that little guy. I really love how the roos make the mama hen noise to call everyone when there’s good food! Since Covid my husband’s been working from home a lot more, so he doesn’t really want crowing when he’s on work calls, so no more roos for us unfortunately.

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