We hatched our now 7 month rooster from one of our broody hens and the 2 yr old is the “dad” of the 7month old rooster.
The last month the 7 month old has been going after the 2 year old.
And now it’s like everytime he sees him he attacks to the point my 2 yr old rooster got messed up bad.
They are separated right now temporarily but I don’t know what to do.
It’s like he got a taste for blood and won’t stop until he is dead.
We have 18 hens total on 2acres to roam so I figured that was enough for them not to fight but I guess not.
The 7 month old has never been aggressive towards me or the kids and I can usually pick him up.
And the 2 yr old rooster is super skittish.
Do I rehome one or cull the aggressive one? I hate to cull him because he is being territorially of another hen if that’s what it is. But I do not think he will stop trying to attack the other
The last month the 7 month old has been going after the 2 year old.
And now it’s like everytime he sees him he attacks to the point my 2 yr old rooster got messed up bad.
They are separated right now temporarily but I don’t know what to do.
It’s like he got a taste for blood and won’t stop until he is dead.
We have 18 hens total on 2acres to roam so I figured that was enough for them not to fight but I guess not.
The 7 month old has never been aggressive towards me or the kids and I can usually pick him up.
And the 2 yr old rooster is super skittish.
Do I rehome one or cull the aggressive one? I hate to cull him because he is being territorially of another hen if that’s what it is. But I do not think he will stop trying to attack the other