Roosters or Hens?


Jun 19, 2024
Hey everyone,

My wife and I bought some chick's at our local tractor supply and all they had for a few weeks was straight run so we went for it. We bought 2 black australorps and 2 supposed to be barred rock. One was definitely a barred rock rooster (big tail and crowing already) which we can't keep in our area so he was re-homed today.

Another turned out to be I think an americauna or bielefelder. But we are pretty sure a hen.

We can't tell what either australorp is, so wanted to ask the experts. Can anyone tell if the birds below are roosters or hens? These guys were probably a week old on April 26th, so about 10 weeks old.

We'd appreciate any input!

Australorp 1

Australorp 2
Darn, okay. Thanks for the reply. More time to find them a new home I guess and a head start on the replacements. Thankfully found a place that sells pullets only not too far away. So hopefully won't have this problem again.

I totally believe you but I'm just trying to learn, what gives it away on these guys that they're cockerels?
Darn, okay. Thanks for the reply. More time to find them a new home I guess and a head start on the replacements. Thankfully found a place that sells pullets only not too far away. So hopefully won't have this problem again.

I totally believe you but I'm just trying to learn, what gives it away on these guys that they're cockerels?
The large combs and waddles are the main giveaway at that age.

Both definitely cockerels.
Darn, okay. Thanks for the reply. More time to find them a new home I guess and a head start on the replacements. Thankfully found a place that sells pullets only not too far away. So hopefully won't have this problem again.

I totally believe you but I'm just trying to learn, what gives it away on these guys that they're cockerels?
Besides the huge, red comb and waddles?
Both look like cockerels to me. The first one is 100% for sure male. The second one I'm only slightly less certain of.

The brown one in the background looks like an "ameraucana" (easter egger) and is definitely a pullet. Bielfelders have single combs and barring, so that rules that breed out
Thanks for all the friendly advice!

I knew the combs and waddles can be an indicator but when you research australorps 10 weeks online its hard to tell at this age. Some photos of hens appeared to have pretty big red combs and waddles so I wasn't too confident. I'm sure they are cockerels now.

I knew if we waited a few more weeks it would get obvious but getting a consensus from this community has been really helpful. Because I've got to move them before they crow if I can.
Thanks for all the friendly advice!

I knew the combs and waddles can be an indicator but when you research australorps 10 weeks online its hard to tell at this age. Some photos of hens appeared to have pretty big red combs and waddles so I wasn't too confident. I'm sure they are cockerels now.

I knew if we waited a few more weeks it would get obvious but getting a consensus from this community has been really helpful. Because I've got to move them before they crow if I can.
Hens can have big combs and wattles too but they won’t be red like that so young. They will be pale. That’s the main difference. Also they they still won’t be quite THAT big this young lol so yeah
Darn, okay. Thanks for the reply. More time to find them a new home I guess and a head start on the replacements. Thankfully found a place that sells pullets only not too far away. So hopefully won't have this problem again.

I totally believe you but I'm just trying to learn, what gives it away on these guys that they're cockerels?
Hens can have big combs and wattles too but they won’t be red like that so young. They will be pale. That’s the main difference. Also they they still won’t be quite THAT big this young lol so yeah
Ok good to know. For a bit I thought we had one of each because the comb was pale and smaller on one, but the next week it caught right up and turned dark red just like his brother. That's when I got confused.

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