Roosts, pop door, laying boxes

Do you have a plan to keep the water liquid in the cold winters there?
It’s definitely on my mind. I was considering a heated waterer or heater for it of some sort. We have an extension cord run along the white fence for garden lights that I could potentially use if needed. I was planning to take it in at night and put it out in the morning (along with feeders). My husband said he could run an electric line out there next year if we feel it’s needed.

If you have recommendations or ideas I’d love to hear them. You always offer such great insight and info.
It’s definitely on my mind. I was considering a heated waterer or heater for it of some sort. We have an extension cord run along the white fence for garden lights that I could potentially use if needed. I was planning to take it in at night and put it out in the morning (along with feeders). My husband said he could run an electric line out there next year if we feel it’s needed.

If you have recommendations or ideas I’d love to hear them. You always offer such great insight and info.
I dinked around with several heated water devices for a couple years,
then settled on this, which has worked well for 10 years.
Not sure it would work in your coop tho, due to lack of space.
In winter in Arkansas I used the small black rubber tubs you should be able get at Tractor Supply or another feed store. Since they are rubber you can beat them against the ground or turn them over and stomp the ice out without them breaking. If you can set them in the sun the solar heating will keep them thawed down into the teens Fahrenheit. In summer I use white bowls outside so they don't get as hot.
Pop door: we are planning a 12x12 door. How do I ensure it is predator proof? We will have 2, one opens out to the back portion of our fenced in yard for free ranging and the other is in the protected, covered run. I do not want an automatic door. I am home and will be here to let chickens in and out. Is guillotine best? Hinged? Is 6 inches off the floor sufficient? Does it need a shelf or perch?
I was going to recommend a simple guillotine-style door like the one I built:

The lock (just a swiveling wooden block) doubles as the stop that holds it open. The nice thing about this door is there is nothing on the outside for predators to hold onto to slide it open.

But being that your coop is so narrow you might want to be able to open the pop doors from the outside. When you have a door that opens on the outside you will need a more secure lock that a raccoon can't figure out. Inside a secure run there shouldn't be an issue.

Six inches off the floor or even higher will work. You can always add a ramp, step, etc., if they have a hard time getting through it. I made the mistake of building mine at floor level....totally forgot about the height of the bedding (and I use the deep bedding method)...
Nesting boxes: planning 3 boxes, 12x12 each. In Storey’s guide, it says to put it on the floor first and then raise it 18 - 20 inches. Does it need a shelf or perch?
No, the nesting boxes don't need a perch, but they can be helpful. I don't have perches on mine but my chickens do perch on the front lip (which holds the nesting material in).
Roosts: someone once recommended 2x4s because of our cold climate and the chickens ability to basically cover their feet with their feathers. Everything I’m seeing is saying round, like a wooden closet pole. I’m in zone 5a central MA. Thoughts?
I recommend 2x4 roosts. I've always noticed my chickens have a very hard time balancing on round perches like tree branches.
the plan is to cover the run with plastic and hopefully they’ll still want to use it.

We do get some big storms although the last 3 years our winters have been more mild with less snow.

I’m hoping where we placed it with the fence close and my garden shed on the other side it will get less snow and the other structures will serve as a windbreak.

I’m trying to research the next slew of decisions and things I need.

I’m going to put the hardware cloth skirts around the base today if the HWC arrived last night from Amazon. I haven’t checked.

Also, obligatory pics of my girls outside yesterday doing chicken stuffs. I’m pretty sure I have all hens, I’m waiting for the silkie to be more obvious. They’re so hard to sex. Coco, the white leghorn is very sassy and Pearl the Australorp tried to fly out. These ladies are boisterous.


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