Rosecomb Rhode Island Reds ? (18 weeks)


7 Years
Mar 29, 2012
I see on here a lot of you know your stuff, so I was wondering if my two RIR, are actually RIR? They seem to have a rosecomb, they are dark mohagony red, and they have that 'wet' look on their feathers. The guy we bought our chicks from did have RIR and Buckeye...which I find very hard to tell appart. So...what do you think?

Oh yeah? That's cool! So their comb is not rosecomb, but peacomb eh? Their quite the fun birds, they are more outgoing then my Barred Rocks, they run after frogs and little birds and I found a dead mice the other day(I've got no cats)! Most of all I just find them really beautiful!
You know I wondered if they weren't Buckeye because If I remember correctly, the guy I bought the chicks from had RIR with single comb (I remember the rooster having frostbite on the comb).
Thanks for the imput!

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