Rotten Eggs Store Bought vs Fresh Eggs

So these I have kept in the fridge because we were experiencing freezing temperatures and eggs were freezing.
Does it have an odor? How long was it in the fridge?

I had an extra fridge that was not opened frequently. It would get extra cold spots. If eggs sat in there for a while they would partially freeze if I did not move the cartons around. When cracked the eggs looked very much like your photo.

If you have a large supply of eggs in the fridge maybe turning the cartons once per week would help.
That is definitely odd.

There is a chance that freezing could cause that (partially freeze, then thaw again without causing a crack in the shell.)

But if you were collecting eggs several times each day, I would not expect the eggs to actually freeze.

I would not expect kids shaking the egg to cause that. It looks like the yolk is a different color in places, not just broken.

So I'm stumped on what is actually going on here.
Well we were getting super cold temps. If the eggs were out an hour they froze. We did our best. But they still could have
I was going to incubate it so I had it on the counter pointed side down

Temperatures are back in 40-70
That doesn't sound like freezing, so probably some other cause. Hmm, maybe one hen is laying weird eggs for some reason?

Any idea if the weird eggs are all coming from one hen? (If you have eggs of several different colors but it's always the same, or if you track what day each egg is laid and it's never more than one per day, or something like that.)
I was going to suggest that maybe your refrigerator had a cold spot and was freezing some of the eggs. We had a small refrigerator that started freezing the eggs near the back, but not the eggs closer to the door. But then you said the last egg was on the counter....
Can you easily tell your hens apart from each other? If so, you could try putting a trail cam in front of the nesting boxes to see if it is specific ones laying the bad eggs.

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