Rouen all of a sudden cant walk

Update: she pushed the egg out. Checked her this morning. There was a pretty big duck egg by her so that must have been it. Here's my follow up question. How long til she can walk again? She still can't get up or stand. ;(
Hopefully, she'll start standing and walking soon. That was an ordeal she went through so it may take a while to recover. So good to hear she laid the egg. I would def have the Liquid Calcium Gluconate on hand. As for laying a soft shell that can be normal when first starting to lay. But get the oyster shell out there for them so they can eat it as needed. If she isn't up yet try putting her in the pool and see if that helps it takes pressure off the legs. Help her in and out.
I have thankfully never had this issue, but I'm glad she got the egg out. Think of their bodies as that of a teenager with all the raging hormones kicking in and all those internal changes going on.

Hopefully she starts walking soon. You might want to give her more warm baths to help ease any residual discomfort and take the weight off. Rouen are BIG ducks.
Thanks have been such validation and help. I got the liquid calcium right away this morning. I've had her in the pool and she's let me help "hold" her and she's stood a little and takes a few steps with me holding her a bit. I can't feel another egg but not confident in my proding..
Lol. She is drinking and did eat a few crumbles of feed. I have oyster shells out for her. Wondering how often I can give the liquid calcium...
Again....thank you!
Thanks have been such validation and help. I got the liquid calcium right away this morning. I've had her in the pool and she's let me help "hold" her and she's stood a little and takes a few steps with me holding her a bit. I can't feel another egg but not confident in my proding..
Lol. She is drinking and did eat a few crumbles of feed. I have oyster shells out for her. Wondering how often I can give the liquid calcium...
Again....thank you!
Can you put the liquid calcium sprinkled over treats that she absolutely loves? I have been very fortunate, my 7 or 8 year old Rouen girls have stopped laying and never had any issues over the 4 years that I have had them. They are very large ducks. Mine get niacin and duck feed to keep them strong and I am sure that yours probably do too. Good luck with her. I feel for you.
Update: by last night she was standing well and walking ok. I believe she is working out of the pinched nerve. Lots of pool time to take weight off her leg and keep food and water out by her. Hoping she continues another day or two and will be back to normal soon! Thanks to you all the advice helped, I appreciate it!

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