
May 11, 2020
South Mississippi
My cockerel is 18 weeks old and is obviously becoming interested in the hens. The problem is he just sporadically grabs them and I'm unclear if it's to bully them, breed them, or a combo. I keep threatening to throw him in the pot because, as much as I want to start raising my own, I won't put up with him bullying my hens.

Is this an indication of how he will always behave or just foolish chicken puberty hormones?

I've yet to observe any tidbitting and very little courtship dancing, usually only AFTER he's pulled a beak full of feathers from a fleeing hen, like an apologetic after thought.
My cockerel started acting like a jerk at about that age too. He got a little too rough so I kicked him out of the chicken yard for about 3 weeks, all of which he spent pacing the fence trying to get back in lol. He behaved much better when we let him back in ( and the girls were a little more receptive too) and now at 24 weeks is shaping up to be a fine rooster. Calling the girls over for food/ treats and being a fair bit nicer when he wants to mount them.
I’m also searching the forum because I have the exact same problem! Albert my young cockerel is such a brute, he’s nothing like his gentle predecessor Barry who would wine and dine his girls and show them a good time with lots of treats and dancing... Albert steals all the food and has absolutely zero gentlemanly etiquette at all, I thought it might just be teenage behaviour and am quite relieved to read several posts suggesting this, fingers crossed it’s just those hormones on overdrive!! ☺️
@CrabbeCottage, the rooster's over all attitude has calmed down, so far. He's not as anxious and flighty around me, so hopefully this holds thru reunion with his hens after a week or so.

That said, due to weather, I allowed them to mingle yesterday and he cornered a pullet in the run and attempted to mount her, albeit incredibly clumsily.
Thanks weetamoo93, that’s good to know. My young cockerel is also quite flighty and nervous which I hope he’ll also grow out of, he’s a Pekin bantam like the majority of the flock and they’re generally quite docile and friendly so his naughty behaviour was quite unexpected!!
I am happy to report that a week of solitary confinement, within sight of his buddies, has calmed him considerably. I let him out on a test run and he found an insect goody. He excitedly called to the hens... who all ignored him. After a minute or so he gave up and ate it himself. Then he went to our elderberry bush and excitedly called to the hens... who continued to ignore him. I guess that's what he gets for being a bully. 🤷‍♀️

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