Run floor: dirt and deep litter overtop hardware cloth?


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2020
Hi all,
I have a 2x3 meter space designated for an integrated coop and run in a small backyard, just now starting to gather materials and build.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to deeply bury hardware cloth around the coop perimeter because of heavy tree and shrub roots in the area, which shouldn't be damaged more than the necessary minimum for adding a small foundation. The coop will also back up against the neighbors' fence, so placing 60cm of hardware cloth on the ground all around the outside of it won't be feasible either. We have predators and rats in the area and definitely need that hardware cloth barrier somewhere! The simplest place to put it by far would be on the floor of the run. Sources I'm finding state that hardware cloth on the ground in the run is terrible for the birds' feet, which I can readily believe. But: If I added a thick enough layer of deep litter bedding to the run, could I get around this problem? Or will they find their way down through it and injure their feet?
Thank you!
But: If I added a thick enough layer of deep litter bedding to the run, could I get around this problem? Or will they find their way down through it and injure their feet?
It would need to be a good 12"(30cm) deep.
So you'd need to adjust the height of your run accordingly so you can still walk in to it.

I recommend putting down hardware cloth then putting sod over it
Sod won't last long, they'll tear it up, and new sod often has chemicals in it.
Old sod dug up from somewhere else might be a viable base layer tho.
What about hardware cloth, covered with 2" of gravel, then 2" of topsoil, then litter? Or is it just a hard no to putting HC on the ground of the run? This is what I was considering doing.
I would just lay fencing on the ground outside the run wire it to the bottom of the fence and use stakes to stake it down on the lawn. I did this to keep the woodchucks from digging under my fenced in pumpkin patch and it works great. If your worried about rats raise your coop off the ground about 1 foot so they can't make a home under it. And always feed your chicken feed in the coop so you don't attract vermin. Any food fed outside should be ate up by night fall or removed.
I would just lay fencing on the ground outside the run wire it to the bottom of the fence and use stakes to stake it down on the lawn. And always feed your chicken feed in the coop
Yes, laying fencing on the ground outside would be great, but I don't have the space to do it, especially behind coop/run. It's a small garden, every inch counts. I'm looking at an integrated coop/run similar to the garden coop ( -- in a setup like this, would you really only feed them in the coop itself? I'd rather get the whole thing tight and secure so I don't have to worry about this.

What about hardware cloth, covered with 2" of gravel, then 2" of topsoil, then litter? Or is it just a hard no to putting HC on the ground of the run? This is what I was considering doing.
Using a layer of gravel as a barrier under the litter seems like a good idea to me.
Thanks for the advice -- is a run really predator-proof if the floor is open, with a predator apron? We can do one, but I still can't wrap my mind around it being enough with the floor open. I guess you just keep an eye out for signs of tunneling under?

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