Runner Duck Laid Soft Egg For First Time


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2023
We have three runner ducks that are 1 year old (born 5/23/23). This morning we had three eggs in their house as we normally do. I just found a soft egg in the middle of our yard. This would have been laid between 2:30pm and 5pm. This has never happened before! They have consistently laid 1 egg per day since about a week after they started laying (in February of this year). Should I be concerned? Is there anything I should do for her? They all seem to be acting normally now. Picture of the egg is attached and details on food are below. They free range in our backyard (supervised) all day.

Food: MannaPro Duck & Goose Layer Pellets (we mix in a little oats & cracked corn)
Supplement: Fresh Eggs Daily Brewer's Yeast
Treats: Peas, asparagus & mealworms
Always available on the side: MannaPro oyster shells

It is warmer today (mid-80s) - probably the warmest it's been all year. Not sure if that can affect things, but thought I'd mention! They do always have access to fresh water and they have a pool and multiple shaded areas.

Thanks in advance for the help and advice!


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This can happen when they are at the end of their laying cycle or at the beginning. If it continues then there maybe something wrong but when the lay them and it doesn’t happen again but are few and far apart there isn’t a need to be concerned. Make sure they are getting adequate calcium and their treats are only 10% of their daily feed. Why oats and cracked corn you maybe diluting the calcium too much. Cracked corn is a treat.

This can happen when they are at the end of their laying cycle or at the beginning. If it continues then there maybe something wrong but when the lay them and it doesn’t happen again but are few and far apart there isn’t a need to be concerned. Make sure they are getting adequate calcium and their treats are only 10% of their daily feed. Why oats and cracked corn you maybe diluting the calcium too much. Cracked corn is a treat.

That is good to know!! We added oats to cut the protein down when they were younger and they seemed to prefer it so we still add just a little into their food. We will drop that and the corn going forward! We keep oyster shells in a side bowl for them at all times. Is that adequate in addition to the layer feed or should we be adding in an additional supplement?

I really appreciate the info - they are our first ducks and I'm a nervous duck mom!
You can still give them oats and cracked corn along with the other treats you mentioned just keep the treats to a minimum so they get their calcium from their feed and oyster shells. We do love to spoil them don’t we? I’m guilty of it. With egg layers always a good idea to have calcium gluconate on hand this really helps get an egg moving if one is having trouble laying and can also be used for extra calcium like if one lays a few soft shells some use calcium citrate sprinkled over feed too for extra calcium. I have drakes so I don’t. Now we need some pictures of your girls:pop
You can still give them oats and cracked corn along with the other treats you mentioned just keep the treats to a minimum so they get their calcium from their feed and oyster shells. We do love to spoil them don’t we? I’m guilty of it. With egg layers always a good idea to have calcium gluconate on hand this really helps get an egg moving if one is having trouble laying and can also be used for extra calcium like if one lays a few soft shells some use calcium citrate sprinkled over feed too for extra calcium. I have drakes so I don’t. Now we need some pictures of your girls:pop
Yes!! Our girls are SO spoiled. They're just so cute I can't help it 🙂 I have some calcium citrate on the way! Is this what you'd recommend to have on hand for calcium gluconate?

Here are some pictures of our girls! We have Nancie (Nan for short, white/fawn), Josephine (Joey for short, black) and Edith (Ed for short, blue). They are just the best and bring so much joy each and every day 🥰


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Yes that is the cal glu we all use.
They are precious and I love their names. ❤️

I love Runners they are such little clowns.
Amazing! We have a TSC nearby so I'm going to run there tomorrow and grab some. Doesn't hurt to have on hand just in case!

Thank you so much!! They are such sweet and funny little ladies ☺️ I just spent about an hour and a half outside with them and they are acting as normal as can be. Lots of tail wags and hunting all the bugs. Hopefully it was just a one-off odd egg.

Thank you SO much for all the help and insight. I really, really appreciate it!! ❤️
Hi! I thought I'd circle back here with an update/follow up question! The morning after I found the soft egg we had two eggs in their house, which I expected. I did a half tablespoon of the calcium citrate in their food that morning and the next morning we had three completely normal eggs! Everything was back to normal (3 eggs/day) until early last week when we woke up to only two eggs. A couple days later we were down to only one egg. Towards the end of last week I found another soft egg in the afternoon. A few days later we were back up to two eggs a day. Yesterday we actually had three eggs! Today we were back down to two and I just found another soft egg in the backyard. After doing some research, I think they may actually be molting? They are 13 months old. Could this be the reason for the decreased production and soft eggs? I did add some calcium citrate to their food after the second soft egg and then after today's soft egg too. Their energy levels are great, they are eating and drinking wonderfully and everything else with them is completely normal besides the eggs.

I attached a picture I just took of them! I have noticed lots of feathers around, on them, in their water, etc. and they do kind of look unkept.

Thanks in advance!!


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Sure sounds like they are molting if your seeing lots of feathers around.
A member here on BYC gives her females calcium citrate everyday over their feed. But when going into molt and also coming out we can see a soft shell. And periodically they will stop laying sometimes for a week or two to give their body a rest and to restore the calcium that has been depleted from laying.
Thank you so, so much! These three are our first ducks, so everything is new to me! (I'm also very much a helicopter duck-parent 🙂)

I'm going to start calcium citrate daily and hopefully everything is back to normal once they're done with their molt! 🤞

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