Russian Orloffs

I use to have them, but sold them all, and now I am looking for some more good stock of them, but it is becoming hard to find good stock on the orloffs. I think Urch and Turnland used to have them, as I think that is where I got them from last time, im not sure tho. They dont have them now I dont think.

Well, we THINK we just placed a group order at Welp for some chicks and my portion of that order should be five Spangled Orloff pullets. I am excited. I'm expecting purely pet quality from the hatchery (said their stock comes from New Mexico?) but hope it's a good experience and will solidify my plans to order eggs of show-quality stock sometime in the next year.

Here's hoping they all make it way up north from New Mexico! I bet they'll like it here, if they do.
I believe that their birds are drop shipped from Privett Hatchery.

I have heard that Ideal Hatchery has some good quality and confirmationed Orloffs, but they are on the smaller side.

Right at this particular point in time I have eight Mahogany Orloff eggs in the bator... we candled yesterday and saw one that was viable for sure, the rest are iffy. The box was quite mangled when it arrived, not due to the shipper... so I am having a rough start to my Orloff flock.
I love the look of these birds. I think it'd be awesome to cross them with EEs or Ameraucanas too, in hopes of getting some green egglaying birds that are speckled like the Orloffs!
Nope, I only have two young pairs right now--a pair of Mahogany & a pair of Spangled. They should be laying this fall and then I'm going to hatch a bunch to increase my numbers....

Guess I'm going to have to do some serious
Nope, I only have two young pairs right now--a pair of Mahogany & a pair of Spangled. They should be laying this fall and then I'm going to hatch a bunch to increase my numbers....

I think I might have misread it, but I thought she was asking if you had a written standard for Orloffs. I "may" have misread it though. Sorry if I did!

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