Sad story… New Flock! Help me guess Roos/hens?


Apr 22, 2023
Hey all! Story time… I’ve been offline for months.
I had a tragedy on Christmas Day… I had surgery on 12/21 and was still very much barely able to get out of bed so my 3 sons and boyfriend were tending our flock. Well… Someone left the gate open Christmas Day and one of my dogs (who has since been taken by a rescue) just… ended them all. I cried SO HARD for my babies. I was very attached to them all. It still hurts. *big breath*

I had some eggs I had not refrigerated yet so I bought an incubator right away and it arrived 2 days later and boom, grand eggs brewing.
Due to size differences (My roo was a D’Uccle) , only a few of the bantam eggs were fertile but that’s okay, I had local friends that donated eggs to replace the ones I had to toss at first candling.
We ended up with 3 of our grand chicks, definitely 2 hens and an roo (who has been crowing since last week at 5 weeks old! and then 6 of the donated chicks hatched as well 🥰
There’s a few I’m not sure of what they are yet and wondering what you other experienced chicken tenders think!
Thank you for reading.

First photo is Lou (Grandchick D’Uccle/Golden Seabright mix) he’s been crowing since last week and it’s adorable.

Second photo is Rowena (donated Speckled Sussex) I’ve never had one before and the comb makes me question he/she?? I hope she is a she… thoughts?

Third photo is Marlo (donated EE mix) fairly sure she is a she, what do you think?

Fourth photo is Grace (Grandchick pure D’Uccle) she’s just like her mama which was the spoiled baby favorite who snuggles

Fifth photo is MaryJane (donated EE) I am thinking she’s also a she.

Sixth photo is Cersei (donated Silkie) pretty sure she is a she

Seventh photo is Adrian on the right (donated Sapphire Gem) he started crowing this week and being a bully! Afraid he may have to go.

Eighth photo is Parkina (donated Silkie) not sure???? The comb base is wide and body is thick/sticky when you hold her/him. Silkies are so hard.

Last photo is my three grand chicks together 🤍 Grace, Lou, and Andi (who I realize now I didn’t load a solo photo of 🤦🏻‍♀️)

Added one of Lou and Andi since I apparently don’t have any of just her lol. They are “twins”


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I had a tragedy on Christmas Day… I had surgery on 12/21 and was still very much barely able to get out of bed so my 3 sons and boyfriend were tending our flock. Well… Someone left the gate open Christmas Day and one of my dogs (who has since been taken by a rescue) just… ended them all. I cried SO HARD for my babies. I was very attached to them all. It still hurts. *big breath*

:fl I hope you recover fully! Best wishes. That's the most important thing.

Sorry about the loss of your flock. That happens. I guess it is even harder when it's your family and/or family dog involved in the mishap. But chickens can be replaced and it looks like you have a nice new flock to care for.

:love Just care for yourself first and foremost. Best wishes.
:fl I hope you recover fully! Best wishes. That's the most important thing.

Sorry about the loss of your flock. That happens. I guess it is even harder when it's your family and/or family dog involved in the mishap. But chickens can be replaced and it looks like you have a nice new flock to care for.

:love Just care for yourself first and foremost. Best wishes.
Thank you, I am mostly healed now! It was really hard that it happened simply because I was out of commission. The new chicks are doing well 😊

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