I just saw this thread! I have ordered from the Maine Potato Lady also! I always have an organic garden...for the first time last year, ever, we let it go fallow and fertilized it with rich organic compost! I can't wait to get back to gardening this year!I thought I'd have plenty of time to have a blog when I retired. HA! Three years in, and like a lot of retired people, I have so much to do, I wonder how I ever had time for a job.
So I think I'll start a thread here.
GF #1 is Garden Fresh. Nothing better than fresh fruit and vegetables from your own garden. Like the asparagus we had with dinner.
To me, chickens are a part of my garden routine. Their poop is "the other gift" they give. My compost and soil got a lot better after I got my chickens.
I have two gardens. One, "The Downhill Garden," has loose, sandy soil. The other, "The Uphill Garden," has heavy clay. They are about 100' feet apart, east to west, and close to the same vertically. Why are the soils so very different...? Dunno. Fortunately, the treatment for both is the same thing: lots of organic matter. Dry leaves, wood chips, compost, and of course, chicken poop!
The downhill garden can get frost later in the spring and earlier in the fall. It has the potatoes, onions, garlic, greens, and peas. I also plant green beans (but they might be purple beans) and have asparagus down there. This year, I'm trying sweet potatoes. I ordered them from The Maine Potato Lady. If they can grow in Maine, they should be able to grow here.
The uphill garden gets the tomatoes and peppers. This year, I planted four grapevines up there. I'm also planting spaghetti squash, and hope I can keep the squash vine borers from killing it. Oh, and four loofa plants. If they do their thing, I'll give everyone their own sponge for Christmas.
We have two sour cherry trees, and maybe.... we'll get a few cherries this year. They're 4 and 5 years old now. Our "orchard" also has three apple trees that we've planted and a couple of wild trees that are decades old. They're blooming now, and the smell is heavenly.