Salmon Faverolle Chick Gender?

I'm thinking lovely pullet.

Thank y'all! I'm super happy. Maybe ideal did a better job of breeding this year...? They are sweet as can be! Thanks to everyone for their input. I am so neurotic at times! Sheeeeeesh!
I have personally never ordered from a hatchery, but I know people who have and it kinda seems like it is hit or miss with a lot of breeds. Be sure to let us see her when she feathers out!
Hi everyone!
We have 3 Salmon Faverolles that we added to our new flock this year. They all turned 5 weeks this Wednesday. This is Daisy, we have another one who looks just like her and one more that is lighter in color that both. Any ideas on whether she is a hen/roo? I am thinking hen. All of these pics are of Daisy. :)


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