Salmon Faverolles from Privett and Ideal


Jun 14, 2024
I bought 1 Salmon Faverolles pullet from Privett Hatchery and 3 from Ideal Poultry.

The Ideal ones are a lot darker, Privett’s was closer to the SOP. Here are some pictures in case anyone is interested in the comparison. All of the birds have 5 toes and alol are friendly though!

This is a SF pullet from Privett

These below are from Ideal


Yep, the difference surprised me being a newbie. I thought the chickens should look like the pictures on the hatchery website when buying.

Just to be clear I have no agenda with this post, just wanted to share because I find it interesting. All of the girls are pretty, but not all look like what I expected. I didn’t even choose these hatcheries it just so happens to be what two feed stores near me used. I wish I bought more of the ones from Privett now to see if it’s a fluke or not.

I will update when they grow up to show what the hens look like, in case the black feathers on the pullets molt off.
I bought 3 from MPC. They are still small, but I expect them to feather like the top one of yours because that's what they looked like when I bought them a few years ago. I do occasionally see post for darker salmon faverolles and people wondering if they are males. Will be interesting to see how yours continue to feather out.

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