Sawdust, good or bad?


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2025
Central Mississippi
So my wife and I will be new chicken owners by the end of this month. We are buying egg laying chickens from some friends that are moving and can't take the chickens with them. We are planning on doing the deep litter method. My initial layer will be with fine pine flake shavings, but i have access to unlimited free sawdust from a cabinet shop. Types of primary sawdust will be Poplar, and Maple, with some pine mixed in. All varying from fine dust to medium sized flakes. Would this be good to use as top layering after the initial layer of pine flake shavings?
So my wife and I will be new chicken owners by the end of this month. We are buying egg laying chickens from some friends that are moving and can't take the chickens with them. We are planning on doing the deep litter method. My initial layer will be with fine pine flake shavings, but i have access to unlimited free sawdust from a cabinet shop. Types of primary sawdust will be Poplar, and Maple, with some pine mixed in. All varying from fine dust to medium sized flakes. Would this be good to use as top layering after the initial layer of pine flake shavings?
I use pine pellets in my coop because it breaks down into sawdust.Its an excellent bedding but I don't have any free sources .I use the deep littler method .My flakes are saved for nest boxes and poop boards.

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