Scissor beak....fix?

Im sitting here, sad as I can be about this scissor beak baby. 4 weeks old. Much smaller than the others of her breed. Heart of gold, but the other birds keep pecking her tongue. I dont know of ant handicapped bird sanc's in Missouri, but I also dont have the heart to put her down. Dont even know how to put down a bird. I didnt even notice the condition until about 2 wks old. Now that Ive had the time to educate myself I could have made a different choice with that knowledge.This gals beak isnt slight, in my opinion. And from what I gather, at this young age, it will continue to worsen. So, if anyone knows people, or affiliation that cares for challanged birds. Plz let me know. Everyone have a great weekend. Lisa
Mine seems to be getting weak, but I turn around, and shes hard at her daily grind to scoop the food in her mouth. Ive got it deep so she can do this. But the other birds are now pecking on the exposed part of her beak, and all she wants to do is get underneith all the other birds as she would do if her momma hen was here. I cant cull her, when she's fighting for her life. Theres gotta be a better way. I appriciate all who have commented on this post. Lisa
I picked up a baby with this condition without knowing it would be a problem~ she was already at least a week old and growing well, so I figured that she was eating and drinking without any issues. I'm sad to see that it's likely to get worse over time, but I'm still glad I brought her home. She's a sweet girl!
It might be a good idea to have a little scale for her to weigh her every couple days, then you'd know if she was growing. also, she will need a deep food dish so she can scoop the food with her beak. Good Luck!
I have a one-eyed scissor beak. She's about 10 wks old and eats fine at the moment. She's the same size as the other hens and gets around just like the others. The upper beak is starting to grow longer than the lower and I was wondering if I could file the tip to help her out some. She does have trouble eating grass but gets right in there when I give them yogurt. From what I've read so far, I'm getting the impression that she's going to die eventually? She's the sweetest girl and not suffering so culling her is out of the question. So I guess my question is, how much can I grind the beak, how far is too far?
the thought of culling this bird is horrid she follows me for food attention and it breaks my heart but u can see the difference in her and her sister
I raised a cross beak. He broke my heart when he eventually died. I immediately cull them now, I can not go thru that again.
He was always underweight, he was sickly but he was the most loveable bird ever and loved to sit in my lap and get preened.

You can tube feed one was bad as your baby but it's only going to get worse and tube feeding is a huge commitment. I prefer to think the chicken would be better/happier being culled than to live life having a tube put down it's throat several times a day and it not being healthy or hearty or digging in the dirt like a chicken should.
She can eat and drink I grind her food chick grit, egg, water sometimes flax seed and greens but still small. This bird has imprinted on me and I don't think I will put her with the big birds tonight she was the first out this morning

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