My flock of 21 birds have all mostly finished their molting this fall. This olive egger girl is about 2 years old, and this was her first big molt. Her feathers are still looking all curly and scraggly. She’s behaving ok, and no other birds are affected. I haven’t caught her to inspect for pests, and will have to do that at night since she’s impossible to catch the rest of the time. Can parasites affect only one bird? I’ve never treated for any external parasites in my flock, and regularly inspect my friendly ones, but I have a few that are skittish. They are on 21 percent layer, and get some table scrap, but the majority is feed. They free range part of the time on 2 acres and are in a fenced 50x50 area the rest of the time. Anyone have birds whose feathers went sort of curly after molt?
Thank you!
Thank you!